
External audit
Our audit approaches are guided by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) which sets high-quality international standards for auditing, assurance, and quality management that strengthen public confidence in the global profession.
Our financial management reviews and audits are guided by International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), a framework of professional standards for auditing financial statements issued by IAASB. These standards offer a common set of guidelines and principles that auditors follow while conducting audits on financial statements. The ISA aids in augmenting the transparency, consistency, and quality of an auditing process. It sets rules, requirements, and techniques that auditors must adhere to for obtaining adequate and relevant evidence while reporting their findings. In addition, the ISA includes several auditing aspects, like planning, risk assessment, and reporting.
Further, our being public sector practitioners, our audit engagements are also guided by the International Standards of Related Services (ISRS) 4400 which establish standards and provide guidance on the auditor’s professional responsibilities when an engagement to perform agreed-upon procedures regarding financial information is undertaken and, on the form, and content of the report that the auditor issues in connection with such an engagement.
Internal audit
Our internal audit engagement approaches and practices are within the context of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). This is a conceptual framework that organizes authoritative guidance promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) with authoritative guidance organized in the IPPF as either mandatory guidance or recommended guidance.
Organization financial management capacity assessments
We conduct FMCA to assess organisation’s capacity to effectively manage grant before and during implementation with an objective of system strengthening. The FMCA is conducted using tailored tools to capture information on the organisation’s fiduciary capacity and financial management systems, as well as procedures and policies covering legal framework and status, procurement, project management, and Anti-Money Laundering measures.
Compliance audit
This is a formal review of an organization’s procedures and operations mainly focusing on whether an entity is complying with internal rules, regulations, policies, decisions, and procedures. Additionally, the compliance audits also extend to adherence to regulatory and statutory guidelines issued by funding partners or by specific Governmental bodies.
Systems audit
Our focus on systems audit is mainly on management systems and practices, internal control, used by an organization to achieve, maintain, demonstrate, and improve the efficiency of its services or operations.
During the systems audit, we examine the key organizational systems, practices, procedures, and controls supporting efficiency, such as performance measurement and reporting systems, costing systems, and management’s systems for benchmarking organizational performance. The audit may examine the entity’s overall strategy and focus on efficiency, or the systems and practices that relate to efficiency in a particular program or activity.
Advisory Services
Public Financial Management (PFM) reviews
This component is mainly focused on engagements that have public interest on collection, management, and expenditure of public finances in an economic sector with the objective of improving citizens’ lives through better management of public money.
Our PFM reviews have been focused on multi sectoral reviews on various Governmental funded areas by enhancing comprehensive budgeting, sound internal control systems, reliable information systems and fiscal transparency.
Technical assistance in financial and procurement management
We continue to offer technical assistance in the areas of financial and procurement management to institutions that require strengthening and to programs that require a fiduciary agent to enhance accountability and transparency. Our support includes providing competent staffing as a stop-gap measure and constituting Project Implementation Units during a grant period.
Capacity building in financial and procurement management
Capacity building remains at the core of our business. This includes plenary workshop trainings, through e-learning modules or on the job training for higher impact requirements. Our trainings are structures with measurable performance curriculums designed to address key shortfalls identified by our clients. Our trainers are accredited by the various professional bodies.
Preparation of financial management, operations, procurement manuals
Manuals ensure all staff are aware of their obligations and make consistent and reliable decisions with a clear understanding of what is expected and allowed. Manuals reduce disputes and inconsistencies in practice. We continue developing manuals fit for purpose based on the type of entity or program.
Forensic audit and investigation.
The outcomes of some of the external audit engagement result in suspicion of fraud or malpractice. We engage in forensic audits and examination, analytically to get the proof to be used for legal proceedings in court in case of culpability. The teaming while performing the forensic audit involves our financial audit team that possess knowledge of accounting and auditing alongside our legal unit that understand the law and legal frameworks for prosecution.

Organizational Development
Development of strategic plans
Our aim is to provide organizations with a systematic process of implementing effective change through deliberately planned interventions aimed to increase the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. We enhance the capacity of our clients and partners through provision of tailor-made organizational development approached either through a Logical Framework Approach or a Theory of Change process.
Mid and end term evaluations
We support our clients in assessing their program/project performance or medium and long-term strategic plans, whereby we draw conclusions, distill lessons learned and builds knowledge for the future. Our comprehensive end-term evaluations of these medium and long-term plans(or their program components) may apply criteria such as design, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability.
Organizational Capacity Assessments
An Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) continue to be an entry point in understanding our clients as well as reporting to our clients on their institutional capacity. We developed structured tools for a facilitated self-assessment (using the OCA format that helps the organization reflect on its processes and functions and score itself against benchmarks) of an organization’s capacity followed by action planning for capacity improvements. We follow the self-assessment approach to increase ownership of the action plan. Additionally, based on the discussions and the scoring, the organization shapes and sets priorities for actions it can take to strengthen its capacity.
Baseline surveys
A baseline study is an essential component of monitoring and evaluation in any project. It helps in assessing the current situation, identifying gaps, and developing appropriate interventions.
We help our clients’ collect data that serves as a reference point against which progress can be measured and evaluated throughout the project cycle. The baseline study provides a clear understanding of the current situation, identifies the gaps, and provides valuable insights that guide the development of appropriate interventions and the establishment of indicators to track progress towards achieving desired outcomes. The baseline study is a critical component of M&E planning, and it is conducted to establish a baseline or starting point for monitoring and evaluating the impact of an intervention or project. It provides data that is used to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, and it helps to identify the changes that occur as a result of the intervention. Without a baseline study, it is difficult to measure the impact of an intervention accurately.
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